Offering online trauma therapy in Seattle, WA.

Online therapy all throughout the states of IA, WA, & WI.

​Are you so overwhelmed that you can’t even think where to start?

Marriage Counseling

Are you struggling with:

  • feeling out of place in your relationship?

  • not knowing how to move forward?

  • being at the verge of separation?

  • lack of intimacy?

  • feeling like you’re doing all the heavy lifting?

  • having to parent your partner?

I can help you reclaim your power and confidence so that you can have the relationships that make you feel heard, seen, loved and honored.

Interpersonal Trauma Therapy

Are you struggling with:

  • feeling like you can’t relax, sleep, and feel restored?

  • managing your anxiety, panic attacks, and fears?

  • feeling unsafe and unable to trust people?

  • isolation while craving connection and relationships?

  • trying to numb your pain with behaviors that leave feeling empty, sad, and guilty?

I can help you feel like a version of yourself that feels empowered, confident, strong, and in control.

EMDR Therapy

Are you struggling with:

  • going through past experiences as if they are still happening now?

  • thoughts and beliefs of worthlessness, emptiness, helplessness or hopelessness?

  • childhood experiences that still hurt very deeply?

  • always feeling on edge, on guard and ready to fight?

  • losing track of time, feeling disconnected from yourself and your body?

  • feeling like life is just happening around you instead of you actively living your life?

I can help you shed those painful thoughts and feel like there’s more distance between you and the experiences that have hurt you.

Therapy Intensives

Are you struggling with:

  • just feeling desperate to feel better and heal quickly?

  • patterns of behavior or thought that you just can’t seem to change or more past?

  • the frequent pauses in between therapy sessions and having to pick back up where you left off but can’t even remember a week later?

  • finding the time to schedule your therapy sessions and being able to keep a regular schedule for those?

  • staying on track with your healing goals and just having to address the weekly crises during your sessions?

  • feeling like you have been in therapy for soooo long and can’t seem to get what you’re hoping for out of it?

I can help you by offering a therapy intensive that due to its concentrated nature can bring you quick relief with a lower investment of energy and time.

Support for First Responders

Are you struggling with:

  • coping and managing the things that you have witnessed?

  • feeling like you will make it until retirement before you decide to quit?

  • the interpersonal dynamics within your organization and the bureaucracy?

  • finding balance between your work and your personal life?

  • trying to numb your pain with behaviors that may negatively impact your career?

  • the impact of the public perception and civilians’ lack of understanding?

I can help you find strategies to cope with the internal and external pressure as well as creating more room for life outside of work.

Therapy for Healthcare Workers

Are you struggling with:

  • compassion fatigue? feeling like you cannot stand people anymore?

  • coping with the impact of the pandemic and the burnout?

  • feeling like no one understands what you are going through at work?

  • isolation and no relationships because of no life-work balance?

  • feeling inadequate and like an imposter?

  • managing the impact of the pain in patients and their families that you witness on a daily basis?

I can help you reconnect with your passion for helping others and the reasons why you went into a helping profession.

Terapia en Español

¿Está teniendo dificultad con:

  • no encontrar un terapista que entienda su experiencia en su lenguaje natal?

  • tener que explicar en detalle componentes de su cultura?

  • sintiéndose cómod@ hablando con una persona que no tiene identidades similares?

  • no consiguiendo servicios en su idioma?

  • haber pasado por situaciones que le han marcado y aún le lastima recordarlas?

  • sentirse sol@ y sin apoyo porque su familia no está cerca?

Yo le puedo ayudar a sentirse apoyad@ sin tener que explicar en detalle cosas culturales y de su identidad.

Online Therapy, Virtual Counseling, IA, WA, WI
  • I know that shopping for a therapist isn’t an easy process. I like to think about it as finding the right pair of jeans, so if you are inclined to think that we may be a good fit, I’m more than happy to have a conversation with you and answer some of your questions before booking an appointment.

  • Free

Online Therapy, Virtual Counseling, IA, WA, WI
  • If you’re ready to set up an initial consultation and start working with me. Typically, this session is a little more formal since we will go over your history and background as well as policies related to our therapeutic relationship.

  • It’s a one time $200 fee

Online Therapy, Virtual Counseling, IA, WA, WI
  • These sessions are reserved for those who have already completed an initial consultation and have established care within the last 6 months.

  • $130 per session